MarinaParken - verhuur
Frequently asked questions Beach Resort Soal

Frequently asked questions Beach Resort Soal

What time can I check in?

What time should I check out?

Can I check in outside opening hours?

What are the arrival and departure days?

What are the park's opening hours?

Can I still cancel my reservation?

Can I pay in cash?

How does the barrier work?

Is WiFi available?

Will my accommodation be cleaned daily?

Is bed linen provided in the accommodation?

Are towels provided in the accommodation?

Are kitchen towels provided in the accommodation?

Is it possible to rent a high chair?

What type of coffee maker is used?

Are the flats wheelchair-friendly?

Can I stay overnight with my caravan or motorhome?

What is the minimum age for camping?

Can I give preference for a camping pitch?

Do I get electricity with my pitch?

Are tents allowed with the camping equipment?

Can I park my car near the pitch?

Can I park my car at the apartment?

What is the sep card?

Is there a washroom available?

How do the showers work?

How do washing machines and tumble dryers work?

How does disposing of waste work?

Can I bring my pet?

Are dogs allowed on the beach?

Where can I walk my dog?

Are there facilities for children?

What ages is the recreation team for?

Can I rent a bike?

Can I rent a boat?

Is there a beach at the park?

Is it possible to swim?

Is there a supermarket at the park?

Is there a restaurant at the park?

Can I barbecue in the park?

Are there any fishing opportunities?

Can I dock my boat?

Can I charge my electric car?

Are fireworks allowed on the park?

Can I receive guests?

Where can I submit my complaint?

What to do in case of emergencies?

Is there an AED at the park?